Contact Information:
Allegheny Link/Homeless Coordinated Entry 1-866-730-2368
Contacting Allegheny Link does not guarantee placement at Goodwill.
How does the program work?
Participants are referred to Goodwill by Allegheny Link. Our team work with an established team of landlords providing housing and rental assistance. A service coordinator assists the clients by identifying the barriers that contributed to their homelessness. The service coordinator collaborates with the client to develop individual goals to increase their stability and quality of life by connecting participants to community supports and services with the over-arching goal of achieving and maintaining permanent housing.
Participants are connected to an experienced team consisting of a Senior Director, Assistant Director, Program Administrator, Housing Navigator, multiple Service Coordinators, and the broader Goodwill network. We do not accept referrals.
Who is the program for?
Adults diagnosed with a disability and who are identified as experiencing chronic homelessness.