Are you ready to start working?
Goodwill provides supported employment for people who need help getting a job.
We work with you to choose a job based on your unique interests and skills! Last year we worked with over 40 different employers in fields like food service, healthcare, customer service, retail, telemarketing, grounds keeping, and more.
How we can help:
We prepare you to get and keep a job.
We work with you to create an individualized Supported Employment Plan based on your unique needs and goals. Your plan may include things like working on interview skills, resume writing, improving social interactions, etc.
We help you through the job application process.
We help you find opportunities in your community in the job fields you are interested in. If you don’t know what you want to do, we can help you figure that out! We then help you apply for jobs and set up interviews. We work with your schedule and meet based on your needs. We even help solve transportation issues.
We help you get started.
Once you start your job, we provide as much or as little support as you need. For example, we help you understand your new job duties and make sure you receive any accommodations you may need.
We help you keep your job.
Goodwill provides assistance to help you maintain your employment. You can reach out whenever you want or we can stop in to see you.
Who is eligible?
People who are working with Office of Vocation Rehabilitation or who are eligible for IDD waiver funding. An OVR counselor or IDD supports coordinator can refer you to the program. Call for current rates. An Employment Specialist will schedule a meeting with you during regular business hours based on your availability during the placement process. Post placement will take placed based on individual work schedule.
Who to contact:
George Edwards, Program Manager Employment Services
Phone: 412-632-1905